Sunday, 25 March 2012

ENFP Careers Advice - Use Your Career Strengths 2 of 2

You may have read that if you use your ENFP careers strengths, the qualities that come to you naturally as part of your ENFP personality, you will enjoy your job more.   But did you realize that as well as making you happier, they can also be an asset to some employers?

Rather than spending your whole working life trying to shape yourself into a career that doesn’t fit you very well, how about looking for employers who value and even need the personality traits and career strengths that you naturally possess.

Flexible and adaptable
ENFPs and ENTPs are known for being flexible, adaptable and open to change.  This ability to embrace change and variety, and even be enthusiastic about it, is a real plus point to some employers.  This particularly applies to companies who experience change on a very regular basis.  This includes:
  • Organizations in fast, rapidly changing or chaotic environments, for example high tech and IT.
  • Areas which are dependent  on technology which is changing quickly, e.g., marketing,  media and broadcasting Project-based work e.g., consulting or an agency environment, like a PR, new media or marketing agency
  • If the work calls for working with many different clients and needs someone who can adapt quickly to all of the different people involved.   This could include many of the helping professions, and on the commercial side client-focused work like customer support, marketing agencies or consulting.

Good people skills
It is often said that ENFPs are good at reading people, i.e., figuring out their motivations.  They can also excel at quickly building up rapport with lots of different sorts of people and networking easily.

These ENFP careers strengths can be a major plus point in areas where you need to work with a lot of different types of people, build and maintain a large network of business contacts, or in fields where you need to be able to put people at their ease quickly.   Areas where these are useful skills include customer service, some sales roles, HR, recruitment, counseling, event planning and training.

ENFP and ENTP creativity often takes the form of being good at coming up with new ideas.  Ways that this could manifest include devising new and fun ways to teach kids, creating new workshops or developing innovative sales and marketing campaigns. 
  • The sorts of careers where these skills are valued include:
  • Marketing, PR, advertising, event planning, wedding planning
  • Graphic design, interior design, home staging
  • Personal development including coaching, counseling, teaching and training and HR

So as an ENFP or ENTP don’t just rely on your skills and qualifications to guide you in career selection, use your innate strengths as they may well give you greater job satisfaction as well as being a great asset to a potential employer.

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